Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Finding and sharing help with Revit issues- There is always a better way...

BIM - Building Information Modeling or Building Intelligent Models or simply Building Information Model - all with the same goals: to give more and better information to the downstream users of the Model. Be they fellow designers, engineering consultants, contractors, subcontractors, tradespersons, users, maintainers or modifiers (or, ultimately, recyclers) of the resulting building, they all want and need more accurate information about the incredibly complex and ever changing pile of objects we call a building.

Coordination of disciplines is just the beginning.

So - lets get started. You present your issues, your solutions and we, your fellow bloggers will challenge, poke holes and offer better solutions... Or just present your issues and your challenges. We will suggest solutions and poke holes in each other’s solutions.

Two rules:

1. Posts must be helpful and useful. Un-helpful, un-useful posts may be ignored.

2. There is no ‘forum’ structure. Posts or discussions should contain adequate key words and information so that search engines can find them.

This blog is dedicated to finding and sharing help with Revit issues. "There is always a better way..."

It is hoped that the challenge of finding solutions, better solutions and even better solutions to the common issues of creating informative models of buildings will bring out the collective creativity and knowledge of blog readers and participants.

There are 2D workarounds, 3D workarounds, informed 3D workarounds, intelligent 3D objects, 4D objects (3D+time) and 5D objects (4D+cost) that are waiting to be placed and interact with the model in ever increasing intelligent ways. Let’s do it. Simply respond to this post with issues, questions, comments. You will be rewarded…

And now for something not completely different:

For I, the Lord God, created all things, of which I have spoken, spiritually, before they were naturally upon the face of the earth.” Ancient Christian scripture describing an uncommon view of the origins of the earth’s inhabitants. But it is how we do buildings!